2018-09-27 7:50 AM
I have LCD connected to FSMC, 16bit parallel interface.
It works, but all signals are twice slower.
SYSCLK is 120MHz (checked using MCO), HCLK divider is 1 (checked with debugger).
Timers TIM2, TIM3 and TIM4 give expected results, so the system clocks are probably setup correctly.
Write timing, using extended mode:
WriteTiming.AddressSetupTime = 0;
WriteTiming.AddressHoldTime = 1;
WriteTiming.DataSetupTime = 4;
WriteTiming.DataHoldTime = 3;
WriteTiming.BusTurnAroundDuration = 8;
WriteTiming.CLKDivision = 2;
WriteTiming.DataLatency = 2;
WriteTiming.AccessMode = FMC_ACCESS_MODE_A;
Write cycle should be 66.6 ns, in fact it is cca 135 ns.
If I change timing to
WriteTiming.DataSetupTime = 2;
WriteTiming.DataHoldTime = 1;
WriteTiming.BusTurnAroundDuration = 4
I get the original expected speed.
What else should I check?
2018-09-27 12:49 PM
Ahoj Tomáš,
My calculator says, that (4 + 3 + 1 + 8)/120MHz = 133ns.
It also says that (2 + 1 + 1 + 4)/120MHz = 67ns.
What exactly is the problem?
2018-10-01 12:16 AM
Aaah, thank you.
That was my misunderstanding of timing parameters of FSMC.
In the display DS, there are parameters:
tWRlow = 15ns
tWRhigh = 15ns
write cycle = 66ns
The Low and High values are minimal values, at least one of them must be wider to match the whole cycle interval.
So I considered the Bus Turnaround parameter in FSMC in the same manner - it is "minimal sum of partial timing parametrs". But the STM32 DS says "to add a delay at the end of current read or write
transaction to next transaction on the same bank".
Once again, thanks for opening my eyes :)