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FP-AI-VISION - SDCARD format or not working?

roland van straten
Associate III

I have the latest FP-AI-VISION-1, the 747i-DISCO and the BCAM board. I can see the image, but cannot storen anything to a SDCARD. I tried an SDCard that is readable in the original 747i-DISCO demo code, so at least the interface and card seem to work, but loading the person recogniser(s) straight binary or recompiled version keep telling me they cannot work with the SDCARD. Anyone experienced the same problem?

Associate II

Hi!!! We too faced the same issue. We tried flashing the People counting binary. But we could not recognize the camera also we couldn't see the camera stream and the SD card is not getting detected,Can you suggest any idea to rectify these errors. It will help us in proceeding our project,Thanks!!!

roland van straten
Associate III

One step that brought me further is to use a FAT16 formatted sdcard!

Associate II

Thanks for your reply!!We tried your idea but still we can't able to open the is not being detected and capturing images , could you suggest some ideas for this?How to check the working of the camera!! We referred the below link!!Kindly share your idea!!