2012-02-14 4:02 PM
There now appears to be a duplicate fork of the forum, content that was in ''STM32F4-Discovery'' is now replicated here.
2012-02-14 4:50 PM
we are merging:STM8S-Discovery, STM8L-Discovery discussion boards in to STM8 Discovery discussion board
STM32VL-Discovery,STM32L-Discovery and
discussion boards
to STM32 Discovery
discussion board
Old discussion boards visbility will be removed soon.
Thanks2012-02-15 10:04 AM
2012-02-15 10:33 AM
I'm with you here Donald, it will be rather unfortunate if all the linkage breaks, especially given how awkward the Microsoft URLs are, and the reorganization seems more aimed at flattening the forum. Then again there is no active moderation or movement of posts to appropriate sub-forums. I thought having part specific sub-forums made sense given the nuances each one has, and most posters don't think to provide enough detail to figure out what part they are using.
And it is rather annoying to lose a post that takes longer than the login timeout to formulate.2012-02-15 11:23 AM
2012-02-16 6:13 AM
It would be much more helpful if you would make some effort to find some ST guy who would answer some question here, instead of mixing the forums together.
Not very helpful.2012-02-20 6:50 AM
Please stop mucking around with the forum structure. It is a disincentive to contribute.
It is even worse when links break. It makes no sense to me to lump together STM8 and STM32. STM8 is just extra noise for me to wade through.What benefit are we the users of the forum going to get by ST making these changes?If there are no really strong benefits to *US* please don't do it. Please try to think about the customer.