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TIM Config on STM32L1xx for Time Base Function

Associate II
Posted on February 20, 2012 at 08:47


I need a support to understand how I can configure the TIM Peripheral of my stm32l1xx (TIM8 for example) to develop a time base unit. I have to configure it for generating an interrupt every 100usec.

In the Structure if the Library there are same field that I don't understand how this are related to the clock frequency and output timer frequency. This field are:

TIM_TimeBaseStructure., TIM_TimeBaseStructure., TIM_TimeBaseStructure. .

Can sameone help me to understand this fields and to understand how to configure the TIM Peripheral?

Posted on February 20, 2012 at 14:00

timebase frequency = TIMCLK / ((TIM_TimeBaseStructure.Prescale + 1) * (TIM_TimeBaseStructure.Period + 1))

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