2024-03-22 3:27 AM
Hey guys. I'm trying to learn how to use the stlink programmers and program a nucleo board, without the use of the onboard programmer.
I've successfully flashed the board by using the MIPI10 interface and the stlink. The thing is that i we want to make a custom pcb and flash the program by using the stlink. The thing is that i've checked some schematics and the MIPI pins go through the onboard programmer first. Will this method work if i route the mipi pins directly to the cpu on my custom pcb ? If not, what's the best way to flash the cpu ?
2024-03-22 11:23 PM
What to you mean by "MIPI" pins?
Flashing the MCU works via JTAG or SWD. There are dedicated pins to connect a debugger for flash code (or to debug).
I do not see any relation between MIPI functions and pins and the debug pins and features (on any MCU).
Use SWD, with at least SWCLK and SWDIO, as dedicated pins on your MCU plus any ST-LINK connection (on board or as external dongle). MIPI is not for connecting a debugger.