2009-10-28 10:41 PM
Flash programmer for STM32
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
I am looking for a tool to program the internal flash of STM32. I am hoping to also use this tool to dump (read) the contents of the internal flash to a file on PC to create master images that can be used for mass programming for production.
I have been using ulink2 from keil for development; unfortunately it does not have the capability to read back the flash to create a file with the contents of the flash. Also, ulink2 needs the keil uVision IDE to work with it. ulink2 + uVision would cost a lot to do just the programming. Any recommendations or suggestions?2011-05-17 4:28 AM
Check RLink Standard from
and Ride7 from Ride7 is free and there is option to dump flash into hex file2011-05-17 4:28 AM
What about the built-in bootloader via a serial port?
[ This message was edited by: swhite on 27-10-2009 11:53 ]2011-05-17 4:28 AM
Thanks swhite..
Built in bootloader cannot be used since I can not change the boot pin configuration on the custom board.2011-05-17 4:28 AM
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
It's been a while since I played with it, but Segger's J-Flash program for the J-Link should support reading and writing of the device. It would probably be usable by production staff.
The old Realview AXD debugger could download the memory from the debugger. In Keil uVision you can create a HEX file from the debug command window (lower left - Output Window) using a ULink, the following with pull 128KB slowly (will appear to hang for 20-30 seconds) from the STM32 flash. save c:\foo.hex 0x8000000,0x8020000 Keil generates a Intel Hex file as part of the compile/link process, you should be able to use that as a master. Pulling binary data from a working/golden device wouldn't provide the level of source code control I'd be looking for. The user code running within the STM32 could output data out of memory, could checksum the flashed image, and also be set to update it self from an external source. In designing a board for manufacture and test, the BOOT0/1 and UART1 TX/RX, RESET and JTAG signals should reach test points. Even without control of the BOOT0/1 pins code running within the FLASH or RAM of the STM32 can execute the System Boot Loader in ''ROM''. If UART1 is not available you could create an equivalent loader/monitor using a UART of your choice. -Clive2011-05-17 4:28 AM
Hi Clive1..Thanks for the valuable input.Combining Save command with uVision's ability to program any hex file solves my problem.
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
Pulling binary data from a working/golden device wouldn't provide the level of source code control I'd be looking for. Could you please elaborate on this as I dint figure what you meant by source code control.2011-05-17 4:28 AM
you can use the SAVE cmd within keil to save the target memory.
As for programmers, either Raisonance or have you looked at openocd? Cheers sjo