2017-04-24 08:10 AM
Consider the following setting:
One MAIN STM32F407 and one LOW STM32F407.
There are both connected via a UART. But only the main is connected with the UART to a flasher.
How could I flash both CPU (both are running with bootloader) through the one UART connected to the MAIN CPU?
Thanks for your help and best regards,
2017-04-24 08:48 AM
Make a simple forwarder that copies the data too/from the main device to the slave, so as to create a tunnel. ie data received on one USART is transmitted out the other. Pick a common speed, ie 9600 8E1
You could also have the main device use the loader protocol to flash the slave.
2017-04-25 01:23 AM
okay, are there any examples on how to start?