2017-07-10 1:20 AM
I would like to manage firmware update using dual bank mode, for STM32F765 device.
I am a little confused about how to configure the linker for the dual bank. Here is what has been done:I have designed a firmware which toggles led1 on STM32 NUCLEO F767ZI board, and a second firmware where I blink another led (led2).
When the user button is pushed, the boot address 0 is changed to 0x08000000 or 0x08100000. Then a software reset is done to make the device restart in the other bank.For the first firmware compilation, I leave the initial configuration.
For the second firmware compilation, I edit the linker with .intvec start = 0x08100000, and Memory regions ROM start = 0x08100000 (and end = 0x081FFFFF). (IAR)Using STM32 ST-link utility, I set nDBANK = 0 (and I leave nDBOOT = 1). BOOT_ADD0 = 0x08000000 (init value).
Firmware 1 and and 2 are programmed from 0x08000000 and 0x08100000 start adresses respectively.Then it works, when I push the user button, the led1 or led2 is toggling.
The problem is that I have to edit the linker to program firmware in bank2, else the firmware in bank2 doesn't start.
But, in the field, I don't know if the firmware will be loaded into bank1 or bank2.- Is there a way to use the same linker for an application being programmed in bank1 or bank2 ?
- Should I mandatory use a small bootloader to manage it? I woudn't use this solution.(I have found the AN4767 and the provided code example (X-CUBE-DBFU), it seems to work as I would like to implement, but I don't understand how the downloaded code in bank2 can start. As I don't have this eval board, I can't test it).
Thanks for your advices,
2017-07-10 1:33 AM
,Please refer to these examples under the STM32F7 firmware package it may help you:
2017-07-10 3:00 AM
Thanks. I have already refer to those examples, but I still don't understand how to 'ping-pong' with 2 firmwares in each bank compiled with the same linker (both linked with a flash starting address of the first bank [0x08000000])).
This topic
describes the same problem, the configuration ofBFB2 bit seems to do the job, but there is no such bit for STM32F765 mcu...
You can find my example here: