2013-01-27 02:03 PM
I'm trying to make forward/inverse FFT. The target is to compare, that data before, and after FFT/IFFT are equal.// Vars definitionq15_t ADC_input[512];q15_t RFFT_output[1024];arm_rfft_instance_q15 S;arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15 S_CFFT;// fill ADC_input array by calculated samples...// make FFTarm_rfft_init_q15(&S, &S_CFFT, 512, 0, 1);arm_rfft_q15(&S, ADC_input, RFFT_output);// now we have complex FFT values in RFFT_output, and it's Ok// try to make IFFTS.ifftFlagR = 1u;arm_rfft_q15(&S, RFFT_output, ADC_input);The problem is output array ADC_input doesn't look likes input array ADC_input.What is wrong?