2017-12-11 9:55 AM
I bought the fcu001v1, the device just started to blink of led LD2 and LD1 off, i tried searching for bluetooth connectivity. device was not listed.
i tried to connect the SWD of FCU001V1 through my STlink V2 on STM32F4 Discovery, but device is not detected.
does the micro usb port configured as USB device for DFU firmware update ? it is not detected as USB device on my PC.
Please help......
i followed this connection
2018-04-10 9:57 PM
Hi Kiran,
I think we already solved above issue with separate discussion on Github platform.
Last week we opened a new community specific for Drone, please kindly have a look and if any question post here:
Also it would be very appreciated if you may share with other community users any photo or video of the minidrone you built with the ST FCU.
2018-04-26 12:13 AM
Hello, sorry for delay.
The drone with dc motors is actually a ripped toy. I still dont have 3d printer. However i have fpv250 drone .
So i am collecting info to work witg 20A esc with fcu.
2018-05-06 7:08 PM
in case you have no 3D printer you may purchase some small frame from online stores (like Bangood, ...), like the one here:
With some hot glue it worked quite well for me.
2018-05-07 3:48 AM
Wow, thank you so much for that suggestion.
I have already tried with a crappy not so well balanced toy quad frame and
it didnt work mainly because of Pid Mismatch.
Anyway with the new frames that you suggested can i use stock pid
parameters or do you have a well defined set of them ?
On Mon, 7 May 2018, 5:38 a.m. Matteo Maravita, <
2018-05-07 5:31 AM
I noticed big difference in PID values when changing from small minidrone with DC motors to FPV250 frame with external ESC.
When I tried different frames for minidrone and DC motors I used almost same PID as the default one in the Github project.
May you share a photo of your minidrone frame/setup? Perhaps you had some strong vibration with motor mounting.
2018-05-07 5:47 AM
I noticed big difference in PID values when changing from small minidrone with DC motors to FPV250 frame with external ESC.
Control parameter need to be adapted to the process, which usually involves measuring the process (i.e. the motor).
Often one might get away with a good simulation (Matlab/Simulink or similar).
2018-05-09 2:30 AM
AvaTar, thanks a lot for your very interesting comment. Generally speaking there is a first part of the process with modelization of the system in Matlab to validate the algorithm and to find a first set of 'default' parameters.
Then as second step when you move on a real drone machine there are two points for which at the end you need a manual fine tuning of PID parameters:
- it may be not easy to reconstruct exactly in Matlab a model 100% matching your drone configuration (frame, motors, propellers)
- PID settings are also varying depending on the pilot use: you may want more aggressive PID settings for racing drones and less aggressive ones for toy drones or drones using self-navigation.
There are on Youtube a lot of videos explaining PID tuning process for drones, done also by professional pilots, that are a very useful reference.
2018-05-09 3:22 AM
Then as second step when you move on a real drone machine there are two points for which at the end you need a manual fine tuning of PID parameters:
As I understand it, this is a critial issue with a drone kit. The set includes no specific motors, so fine-tuning in advance is not possible. Default PID setting are probably on the stable and slow 'safe side', say, with Kd set to zero. I guess most customers are oblivious of this fact.
I'm having some vague memories from 2 decades ago, when I was thoroughly tortured with control theory ...
2018-05-10 5:25 AM
Yes you are right. The PID settings are 'safe' *** tuned with the white frame you see in the You tube video, 8520 motors and 65 propellers.
Moving to a different frame configuration would need some further fine tuning of the PID values. But I think it's worth to experience this PID tuning at least once to get some knowledge about it.