2017-05-29 4:36 PM
The latest version of CubeMX (4.21) with F4 Libs (v1.16) using the SDIO controller seems to have broken FatFS support. ff.c needs a file that declares the character sets being used because it contains a couple of utility routines. This may only be needed for long file names but regardless it is missing. I fixed it by copying the ccsbcs.c file from the repository (under Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src/options) and it resolves the issue. This was not a problem in earlier versions.
Also, is the system ever going to support wide bus operation with DMA without the user having to manually configure this?
2017-06-07 4:28 AM
,Could you please confirm if this behavior is faced when you load an old project or when create a new project?
Please attachyour ioc file for further check.
2017-06-07 12:18 PM
Also, is the system ever going to support wide bus operation with DMA without the user having to manually configure this?
I just tested the new F2 HAL library v1.6.0 (created a fresh project) and when manually setting SDIO to DMA by changing the function calls in SD_read/SD_write to their _DMA counterparts, it won't work at all anymore. It's no problem with v1.4.0.
So I'll stick with 1.4.0 for this proejct.
2017-06-23 3:32 PM
I'm exactly in the same case, 1.16 sdio dma driver is broken and polling method is not stable, many txunderrun error occurs, even if I disable interrupt during fifo writing. Please fix it.
2017-06-23 3:58 PM
Reliance on third-parties to provide robust code is a dangerous position to put one's self in.
There is a strong case for ST to start dog-fooding their own code, and using it in real apps, with real consequences. At the moment 'barely working' is a sufficient threshold for example/demo code, there needs to be significantly more ownership and responsibility for delivering better code. How some of this stuff gets beyond a simple code review or LINT/MISRA compliance baffles me.
2018-01-26 6:02 AM
,A doc (
) was created to help people to configureCubeMX + SDIO + DMA +FatSF.The example is applicable on devices with two DMA channels for SDIO (F2/F4/F7).
I hope it will help you.
BR. Jeanne