2021-12-27 1:58 AM
During my exploration of the F401RE board, I tried to make the uart_printf example work correctly.
Capturing the output of the main MCU via CN3-RX pin to a PicoScope 5440, an CH340 and on board F103 USB interface MCU all lead to the same conclusion: the output of the main F401RE MCU on UART2 is not correctly formatted when using ODD parity.
When I use parity none or change to 9 data bits instead of 8 data bits (only change the MCU settings, the capturing settings remain at 8 bits), all seems to work OK.
Documented case with detailed data in attachment.
Any help most appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-12-27 4:33 AM
> 2) Mega2560 and 16450/16550 support 5 to 9 data bits + parity bit + 1 or 2 stop bits.
ST chose to count the parity bits up to the data bits, which is different from most UARTS there. I was a bad choice, but it is what it is.
> So this would then imply that ST MCU is unable to do start + 9 data bits + parity bit + stop bit(s)?
2021-12-27 2:15 AM
On old std libs code here is perfect comment , for use parity is required 9bit setup.
2021-12-27 3:09 AM
Thank you very much for the swift answer;
So I understand: if parity needed, select 9 bits, as per design?
1) This would imply that the demo is designed to fail as it combines 8 bits and odd parity? (It is the first demo I ran :astonished_face: )
2) Mega2560 and 16450/16550 support 5 to 9 data bits + parity bit + 1 or 2 stop bits. So this would then imply that ST MCU is unable to do start + 9 data bits + parity bit + stop bit(s)?
3) Table .168 in RM0368 points into your direction: bit 8 is indicated as a possible parity bit.
2021-12-27 4:33 AM
> 2) Mega2560 and 16450/16550 support 5 to 9 data bits + parity bit + 1 or 2 stop bits.
ST chose to count the parity bits up to the data bits, which is different from most UARTS there. I was a bad choice, but it is what it is.
> So this would then imply that ST MCU is unable to do start + 9 data bits + parity bit + stop bit(s)?
2021-12-27 8:00 AM
Your original example is correct for 7O1 as the total is 8-bit, you'd need to mask the read data on the STM32 side to removed the high-order parity bit.
The ST implementation saved them transistors/gates