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F4 Discovery DISCO board

Associate III

Hi, we have just purchased a STM32F4 Discovery board, and have been trying all day to run one sample application. Everything seems to compile, download and run but there is no action. We have read the AN3997 is very vague and confusing.

We have no idea where the workspace toolbar is how to change the media type. We have a USB disk plugged in using a hub - is this OK? Any help would be much appreciated.

main.c: contains the initialization code and starts the application depending on the

selected 'MEDIA_IntFLASH' or 'MEDIA_USB_KEY' configuration.


AFAIK the ST USB firmwares don't support hubs.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

If they used the Keil IDE for this demo, the toolbar is shown on the attached picture.

As I recall the expectations are that you have a small micro-AB adapter cable that connects to the Flash Drive directly. There are "fw_upgrade" examples with the STM32F407G-DISCO SPL release, and similar stuff with the HAL.


The OTG/Host stuff definitely isn't going to carry a Hub.

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Associate III

Thanks for the feedback. OK, we now have a micro to OTG female USB connector. Not sure why ST didn't just use a type A USB connector which would have made life simpler.

The Discovery 407VG board now shows the top orange light flashing fast and then the blue light flashes so looks like some progress.

We are using Atollic studio (well trying to use it anyway). Still have no idea where this MEDIA setting is. Thanks

Associate III

When the blue light starts flashing, some audio start playing but it is only background static.

Associate III

OK, everything works now. I had to rebuild the sample so that the WAVE file name was changed to test1.wav. Now the test1.wav file auto plays and when the user button is pressed, it records from the microphone to the USB as rec.wav. The main issue was the USB micro to female USB cable which we had to buy.