2012-08-02 7:44 PM
i am using the F0 DISCOVERY, after down load my build, when i want to down load again,the ST-LINK reports 'no target connected ', i reinstalld the driver, but it is not useful, what should i do
2012-08-02 7:54 PM
in another way ,i can use the tool ST-LinkUpgrade.exe(../Keil\ARM\STLink ) to detect ST-LINK, or update the fireware,but the problem still exist
2012-08-03 12:02 AM
...the ST-LINK reports 'no target connected ', i reinstalld the driver, but it is not useful, what should i do
''Target'' is not the ST-Link, but the F0 part. The ST-Links seems to work well. Did you try to connect with the ST-Link Utility ? If the board worked before, this might be the application on the F0. If so, I suggest to start the board into system BOOT mode and doing a mass erase, for instance with the ST-Link Utility. There ought to be some similar threads describing this.2012-08-03 6:12 PM
2 fit the SB14 SB15, then press 'download'button,but the same wrongwhat should i do next(i using keil MDK 453)?2012-08-03 6:20 PM
i download a F0 DISCOVERY user manual(UM1525),it seem very simple,no describe about how to enter BOOT
2012-08-03 6:26 PM
For the F0 ST-Link in Keil you should be using ''ST-Link (deprecated)''
2012-08-03 10:41 PM
i had selected it at first,when i got the
board I've tried some examples and it worked perfectly.
2012-08-08 12:34 AM
now the F0 DISCOVERY can enter the BOOT0 MODE, I download the UART tool ' Flash_Loader_Demonstrator_v2.5.0', it can read the IC ,but it seem can't support it
2012-08-08 12:36 AM
the 'flash_loader2.5' is the newest version i can download from the website
2012-08-27 5:47 PM