2008-07-08 12:47 AM
EXTI Interrupt Source
2011-05-17 3:39 AM
I understand that there are 18-19 interrupt vectors associated with port pins. Using EXTI0 as an example, Pin 0 from all Ports A thru E are OR'd together for EXTI0. If PA0 and PB0 are both used a external interrupts, how does one determine which pin was the interrupt source? Thanks, Greg2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hi Greg,
sixteen external interrupt controller are mapped to the 112 GPIO's and three controller are mapped to internal events. The sixteen controllers are then mapped to 7 interrupt handlers (e.g. EXTI5-9 is mapped to only one interrupt handler). If you are using e.g. EXTI0 you have to select the port PA0..PG0 in the register AFIO_EXTICR1. So, I think it is not possible to have PA0 and PB0 active at the same time.