2010-01-20 6:37 PM
External flash to STM32F103RET6 (FSMC)
2011-05-17 4:38 AM
I just found out that it is possible to connect an External Flash to the STM32 processor, and then boot/run code from that. Unfortunately I don't have the STM32E-EVAL board, but I have a STM32F103RET6 Stamp board (yes I know, I should have bought an evaluation board instead), and then I would like to know if it's possible to interface an External Flash to that - I think it should be possible? Which flash's is it possible to connect to the STM32? I mean, which types of NOR flashes is it possible to connect? In the STM32E-EVAL datasheet, it looks like it's possible to connect more than just one peripheral to the FSMC - is that really true? Also, are there any of the STM32's which haven't got the FSMC? Any specific product lines which haven't? Best Regards Thomas Jespersen2011-05-17 4:38 AM
I'm so confused about this! Now I've read alot of documents from ST about FSMC, External Flash, DFU and more.
And I have found the answer of some of my questions:Quote:
Read the ''STM32F10xxx USB-FS-Device development kit'' page 31 for more information about the DFU firmware (for the STM32)
Read the ''STM3210E-EVAL demonstration software'' page 50 for more information about programming NOR Flash with DFU OBS: When using DFU, the USB Disconnect jumper (JP14) has to be in position 2-3 (USB Disconnect function enabled) NOR Flash connected to the FSMC There is an example for writing to the NOR Flash, or booting from the NOR Flash in the StdPeriph\Project\Examples\FSMC\But still, is it possible to Boot/run code from NAND Flash or Serial flash - or is this only possible with the NOR Flash?2011-05-17 4:38 AM
Well, serial flash and NAND memories do not expose the data in the memory map => if you want to run code from it, you need to copy the content eg. to RAM and run it there.
While NOR flash does, so you can run code from NOR @ FSMC. Btw. booting/running code from serial (SPI) flash is possible on STR750 family.