2014-09-20 2:16 AM
hi every one
when im trying to programm my stm32f103ret6 via jlink in keil v5.11, it shows this error:can any body help me please?WBR2014-09-20 6:05 AM
doubleckeck if you using SWD/JTAG fror programming and you have right connection to mcu, and if all data is correct for debugging/flashing
you could post config picture of your programmer options If you using SWD, please change it from JTAG, since from picture it looks like you are using full jtag2014-09-20 6:27 AM
Go into the Options -> Debug ->Flash settings, and ADD the STM32F1 programming algorithm for the flash in your device.
2014-09-20 9:21 AM
why this forum dose not have a appreciate button ?
really thanks dear clive1 for your kindely helps why happen this problem ?i use a template project for all my projects and never have a problem before this.but why in this project this setting needed?although predefined flash algouritm was the same but when i remove & add this problem solvedwith best regardMahmoud2014-09-20 11:26 AM
There is a ''Mark post as helpful'' for logged in users.
You probably changed the debugger selection. When you do that you have to pick the algorithm over again. Code generators like Cube may also not configure this, or require that you change it. This is just how Keil works. So change it and save the project.