2017-06-14 7:29 AM
hallo everyone,
i was doing program flash write protection i run the program first time it get flash protected .
now i am cant able to download any program it shows me
Erase: Failed
Error: Flash driver function execute error.
I have check in stm utility also i tried to erase flash chip
but cant able to do it says
some flash pages are write protected
how to solve this problem ?
please help!!
#flash-writing #flash-memory-read-protection #write-flash-memory-pgerr-error2017-06-14 10:46 AM
What part specifically? What did you do exactly?
You want to try and connect to the part and do a Mass Erase. Try also with BOOT0 pulled high.
2017-06-14 8:20 PM
I was working on srm32f407 discovery board in coocox .
I was doing write protection program, after first run I want to disable the write protection so I download code in board but error is coming flash drive exicute error.
First thing I am not able doaload my code in board so programing wont help me .
So I was using STM st- utility ,I can erase chip or sector but while erasing it shows me some pages are write protected so not able erase.
2017-06-22 1:58 AM
hey guys i solved problem finaly,in st -utility option bytes option is there using that we can make the disable the flash protection after that erase sectors .