2018-04-08 12:59 AM
In the STM32F030x4/x6/x8/xC and STM32F070x6/xB reference manual (RM0360, ch 13.3.16) it says 'However, comparators are normally be used to convert the encoder�s differential outputs to digital signals. This greatly increases noise immunity.'
What comparators is the manual talking about?
#encoder-modeSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-04-08 1:50 AM
Presumably they are talking about external circuitry designed to absorb/eliminate some of the bouncing inherent in some types of encoders, and/or provide impedance coupling.
Quite a confusing remark in that context, I concur.
2018-04-08 1:50 AM
Presumably they are talking about external circuitry designed to absorb/eliminate some of the bouncing inherent in some types of encoders, and/or provide impedance coupling.
Quite a confusing remark in that context, I concur.
2018-04-08 2:49 AM
I kind of suspected that, but I recalled that some chips (like L475) have comparators.
2018-04-08 6:16 AM
Of course you can use an on-chip comparator if available, but that provides no additional 'mägic'.