2018-01-12 1:21 PM
Are older versions of
STM32CubeF2 available? I am trying to find some files that were not included in a project I am working on. From looking at some of the files we do have, I see:
* @version V1.1.2
* @date 11-December-2015Several files I checked match that, so I think I am looking for V1.1.2.
Any pointers where to look? My searches didn't lead me to any answers.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-03-12 9:32 AM
Direct link is here from the private repository:
Or at st:
Try to replace the structure of the link above with particular version of the package
2018-03-12 9:37 AM
I am looking for 1.1.3.
I see the CubeMX has an option to check off versions, but there is no 1.1.3:
2018-03-12 10:20 AM
So I cannot help then. Maybe someone have it on a private drive OR someone from ST is willing to share it.
2018-03-12 10:25 AM
Hope springs eternal!
I am looking at examples provided with a reverence port, and also the code generated by the CubeMX tool (neat tool). I can't find anything that we aren't doing, beyond we seem to have changed some of our IRQ priorities for the UARTs. It's been quite the learning experience the past week. Thanks for your assistance!
2018-03-12 4:40 PM
The minor version seems to have been deprecated, so unless someone posts something they pulled contemporaneously it might be a dead end.
I have a version of CubeMX I upload in July 2016, but don't see any F2 packages on any of the boxes to hand.
is this minor delta available for download anywhere?Also noticed that new downloads have the date/version removed from the example files. Saw that as I merged code into newer donor projects.
2018-03-14 6:46 AM
I tried installing an old CubeMX 4.4 version, but it can't connect home, server or settings seem to have been long deprecated.
Not entirely sure the version ♯ in the HAL examples tracks the downloads very well, as you noted earlier.
****************************************************************************** * @file ADC/ADC_DualModeInterleaved/Src/main.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.1.2 * @date 01-July-2016 * @brief This example provides a short description of how to use the ADC * peripheral to convert a regular channel in Dual interleaved mode. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>2018-03-14 8:17 AM
I was thinking the download was the package version, different than the HAL inside? For instance, HAL 1.1.2 was inside 'en.stm32cube_fw_f2_v131'.
However, we believe we have found the issue. There is something causing a UART_DMAError() that we need to track down. It seems that 'those who came before us' commented out the HAL_UART_ErrorCallback() to work around this. Since we did not have the stock 1.1.2 until recently, we did not know they had modified that one line.
So the quest continues in a new direction.
Thank you for your responses.