2010-10-06 2:00 PM
I have repeatedly tried to download the an3268.zip package.
It stalls at about 794 kB out of something over 1 MB, and will not complete.
Is there an ftp site or some other way of getting it?
2010-10-06 2:49 PM
Check you don't have some download manager, firewall, or proxy screwing it up? Use wget?
wget http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/an3268.zip2010-10-07 9:14 AM
Normally no firewall or other issues, and it loaded more than half, before hanging each time.
Just tried again, directly using the url below, and it was down in seconds.
Maybe the link in the product page is/was faulty, or the server was just jammed.
Got it, anyway - thanks!
Dave2010-10-08 1:46 AM
''Use wget?''
Yes, wget is an extremely useful tool - read all about it, and get it (free!), here: