2021-04-14 11:20 AM
I have tried a lot of projects posted on the internet and the examples in the Discovery kits, but nothing but problems. My tools are STMCube or IAR. I have a customer who is late in delivering, so I am scrambling to help. Thanks much! Leigh
2021-04-14 1:18 PM
On the F100 you'd presumably need to use the SPI SD Card code for the Adafruit shield, along with FatFs, as a starting point.
Not sure there is a prepackaged solution, the F1 is an old platform the ADC/DAC stuff I did used the SPL
2021-04-14 1:22 PM
Thanks much! Everything helps...
2021-04-15 2:18 AM
This was a test I did some weeks ago.
It uses USB OTG and a F4 series but the code should work easily in the F1 too.
2021-04-15 9:30 AM
Thanks much! Support just answered as well with some insights as to why the other projects I tried won't build. Once I have a full solution, I will post it.