2015-08-24 12:17 PM
I need help.I need to use vertical orientation of display.I use demonstration from STM32F429I-Discovery.I try to use combination #define COLOR_CONVERSION_0 GUICC_M565 #define DISPLAY_DRIVER_0 GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_16but it does not work correctly. If I use combination#define COLOR_CONVERSION_0 GUICC_M565 #define DISPLAY_DRIVER_0 GUIDRV_LIN_16it work good, but display haven't right orientation, because I need vertical orientation.In documentation STemWin526.pdf on page 1068: ''The table above shows identifiers which can be used to select the driver. Each combination of orientation and color depth is possible. Please note that currently not all combinations are shipped with the driver. If the required combination is not available, please send a request to obtain the required combination.''Is GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_16 work normal?Can anybody hepl me?