2015-01-06 11:34 PM
there is a problem when i connect my discovery board to the computer and USB port, the LD1 on board not works and +5 volt pins on the board, have +2.67 volts the 4 user led's have very low light ... whats the problem?2015-01-06 11:44 PM
i found this link
http://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hardware:stm32f4discovery_repair it passed step one but in step 2, i can not understand what is the ''TBD''?? ''Step 2 Check the target ST chip
Setup the Discovery like this
Description of what is being check
Check(s) to determine what solution to follow.
Setup the Discovery like this
Description of what is being check
Check(s) to determine what solution to follow.
Setup the Discovery like this
Description of what is being check
Check(s) to determine what solution to follow.
''2015-01-09 7:10 AM
i observed that ld8 in ON with a low light this is a over current led for pd5 that connects to the USB-otg full speed i have not used it for this application and it is free now now, i have disconnected all of pins and port, but yet this problem exists may this board have broken?2015-01-09 7:50 AM
TBD - To Be Determined - I haven't worked this out, or written it yet.
Yes, you may well have broken your board, you might want to check the regulation circuit. Review schematic, and follow the design flow.