2018-07-06 4:26 AM
I am working on STM32F4 discovery board, trying to interface DS2482-100 (I2C driver ic) and DS18b20 (Temperture sensor one wire).
my interface is like
stm32f4 ---i2c--->
DS2482-100 ----one wire----->DS18b20
I am able to access the registers for DS2482-100, but the difficulty i am facing is to access DS18b20
register through the I2C drive IC.
I need to access DS18b20
the Read ROM register & Read scratchpad register which contains the temperature values.Some of you may find it unnecessary but i am doing this for curiosity and R&D.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
This is how i am writing a byte to
void write_byte(uint8_t byte)
{ buffer[0]=0xA5; buffer[1]=byte; HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, 0x18<<1, buffer, 2, 100); HAL_Delay(20);}This is how i am reading a byte to
void read_byte()
{ buffer[0]=0x96; HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, 0x18<<1, buffer, 1, 100); buffer[0]=0xE1; buffer[1]=0xE1; HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, 0x18<<1, buffer, 2, 100); HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, 0x18<<1, data, 8, 100); HAL_Delay(20);}#ds2482 #stm32 #stm32f4 #stm32f4-discovery #temperature-sensor #ds18b20 #12c2018-07-12 3:15 AM
I guess this issue is more about integration the 1-wire device with DS2482.
I would start with to understand how the 1-Wire DS18B20 is accessible (particularly registers) through DS2482:
I did consider the DS2482 many times in my projects but rejected it for other reasons.
My favorite solution: connect the 1-wire device to the uart as per maxim app note:
This way you can access the 1-wire device the same as you use the uart.
Here is the project in Russian:
I made a few project using UART for the purpose of handling 1-wire thermometer e.g. DS18B20
2018-07-12 3:51 AM
Thank You
.I have integrated it correctly, I am able to read & modify register following DS2482 Datasheet.
I just need to extract the One wire ROM data to my microcontroller via Ds2482.
Searched a lot online but didn&39t got any support.
2018-07-12 9:12 AM
For me the UART-based approach was simpler (although slightly more coding involved).
Unfortunately have no Ds2482 now.