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DFU Tool for STM32 F Series


I viewed this question earlier.

The Github link provided in answer to the question is of a project which seems to be no longer maintained and seems to be obsolete. I have built and run the project on my Android device and faced some reliability issues as stated below.

Apart form the unmaintained state of the project, it also has this known issue: "On some STM32F devices, It takes several tries to recognize the USB device." which for my application is completely unacceptable. My application demands the DFU to be done using Android and should be reliable.

I wanted to know how can I do DFU of STM32F devices using a non-rooted Android device.


STM32 DFU protocol

You'll likely have to code your own solution to meet your own acceptability thresholds.

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I don't know that I'd trust the github "issues" of an abandoned project with 32 total commits to be terribly accurate.

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