2020-09-25 11:30 PM
if I start a filter with DMA enabled using method HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_DMA(&filter1, buffer, bufferLength), then the filter output is not right shifted.
The right shift works, if polling and manual result query is used.
I cannot find this problem in errata?
Could it be a configuration error?
2020-12-09 10:51 AM
could you provide the full code of your program? What is the source of the DFSDM? Internal/ADC or external?
I maybe dont know the answere to your problem, but you could maybe help me with your code:
I want to run the DFSDM as an oversampler on my sampled ADC values and cant get the DFSDM to work.
Then I could trying to debug your problem too.
Thank you.