2012-04-12 1:13 AM
Hello there,
i have downloaded the ''STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0'' library, installed the VCP driver and the VCP USB_Device_Example works on the MCBSTM32C board ''out-of-the-box''. Great thing at this point! As i thought, the example is more complicate than the one´s for the ADC, i have worked previous with. So i wanted to ask if there is a more detailed manual, wich explains how the components in the example work together(wich source fullfill wich aim). Otherwise i would have to do a lot of reverse engeneering to get how the things work behind the scenes for adapting it to my own project. best regards, Justus2012-04-12 2:44 AM
Ok, i found something, wich looks to be the correct one.
UM1021 is the usermanuel to explain, what goes on in the library.
2012-04-13 5:47 AM
''The applicatoin has also to use the general USB ISR and speceific EP1 subroutines when the USB_OTG_HS_DEDICATED_EP1_ENABLED define is uncommented in the usb_conf.h file.''
But in wich file do i find these ''
speceific EP1 subroutines'' and if the define can be out- or in- commented where do i pick up or send the data in each case?
Greetings, Justus2012-04-20 1:55 AM
I am analyzing the Code myself on the MSC.
But, I saw your answer when I analyzed the related USB CDC Example: Look for cdc_DataTx() and cdc_DataRx() functions in the file: usbd_cdc.C - The cdc_DataRx() calls the cdc_DataTx() to echo data back as default. I had to modify these funcs in my Example Project in:
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