2018-06-12 7:05 AM
is there a place to download the default image files as flashed on the Nucleo/Discovery/etc boards when sold?
When people asked for these file, all advice I found was to compile from the Cube sources. This requires download of cube, compiler and fitting IDE and so places some burden on the user and provides many places to fail.
Providing the bin files for download would be straightforward instead. Please consider!
Otherwise I saved the default image for some of the board, but not for Nucleo_F103RB . But now I am in need for the Nucleo_F103RB image. If somebody could provide, I'd be gratefull.
2018-06-12 8:50 AM
>>When people asked for these file, all advice I found was to compile from the Cube sources.
And people attaching .HEX files. Not sure I have a 103RB immediately to hand, but pretty sure I have one in stock, will look later.
People do seem to find a lot of ways to fail at things.. keeps me busy.
2018-06-12 9:02 AM
I am attaching the flash dump of a fresh NUCLEO-F103RB.
________________ Attachments : NUCLEO-F103RB.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxVc&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000az4%2FSeyIL01GtcMYF5L28JZTKXxDNZIpMg5FdPrwDj.AJ8g&asPdf=false2018-06-12 9:48 AM
There is no need to download anything but the corresponding Cube FW package, the binaries for nucleos and discos are already there, e. g.
2018-06-12 11:55 AM
>>There is no need to download anything but the corresponding Cube FW package
But the argument there is the need to pull 700MB-1.5GB files to FLASH a 10-20KB binary...
2018-06-12 12:46 PM
Argh, silly me, I only looked for .bin and .elf in the Cube repositories. Thanks for the remainder!
2018-06-12 2:57 PM
15 years ago I'd have shared (and still do this silently) your opinion about that sort of memory hogging. But nowadays ... sigh, 1 GB is just a piece of dust. Nevertheless, the complaint - as far as I got it - wasn't exactly the need for download of the firmware package but the requirement to download, install an (ideally free) IDE and compile the firmware. In particular, depending on your platform and compiler, this compilation may require some hand-tuning of paths, compiler setttings etc. The first releases made (for me) a lot of trouble due to capitalization ... The more recent ones are much easier to use.
2018-06-13 2:36 AM
Actually, that's not the default image that is loaded on the board on production as
asked. That's an example that makes use ofhttps://www.adafruit.com/product/802
(display + SD card + Joystick) that implements a picture slideshow.The default image is a simple blinky example.
2018-06-13 3:44 AM
perhaps I have tomatoes on my eyes, but I can not see your attachment!
Can you point me to the image or attach again?
2018-06-13 3:57 AM
Hi Uwe,
hmm... should appear just below the message:
This is the direct link:
(also re-attaching it here). ________________ Attachments : NUCLEO-F103RB.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxVw&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000azB%2FaUzzURrk0JEozZ.6TWYlatwgxBmfepSlD53luzwoNYQ&asPdf=false