2013-09-25 4:01 AM
I want to receive datas from DCMI interface and then transfer it to UART interface through DMA.To do that, I am plannig to receive each Byte from the DCMI interface store it into a buffer using DMA and then transfer the Byte contained in the buffer to UART using DMA. And then do the same with the next Byte...DCMI ---DMA--> Memory ---DMA--->UARTEach Byte received from DCMI must be transferred to UART before the next Byte comes.I am not sure if it is feasable or am I obliged to receive the hole datas from DCMI before I can send it again to UART. I need to know if I can send each Byte received before receiving the next Byte.2013-09-25 5:07 AM
Well you probably aren't going to be able to manage it at a byte-at-a-time level, the rate data comes from the camera is likely to significantly exceed the rate leaving via the serial port. Use the HT/TC interrupts to manage blocks of data.
2017-03-19 5:19 PM
I am working on a project smilar to you (
I am working on a project smilar to you
)can you send to me your project ?