2020-01-25 7:55 AM
hi hope have good day
i need to buffer data for save on every 1ms
for serial and spi i use dma to receive data
for example hal_uart_receviveDMA on this function must set buffer size ...
i test one example :
50Hz send to mcu data each time 1000 and 1001 and 1002... to full load data and baud 921600
1khz buffering(hal_uart_rec_dma) in 2000 length variable.
but i have some problem
in first time on the dma interrupt 1000 was ok second form 1000 to 2000 data add and 1 data lost and lost increase every 2 time buffer full
how can i find how many data receive for copy on other buffer and how can i receive without lost
2020-02-04 8:40 AM
any one have solution for this post?