2017-02-10 1:40 AM
I am getting Data Block CRC failure (DCRCFAIL) when I configure data transfer in SDIO using DMA.
I am not using HW Flow control in SDIO
The same code works fine without DMA
What is the reason for CRC failure and any work around for this?
#dma #sdio-dma #f407 #sdio2017-02-10 3:06 AM
Heh, welcome to the club. Do you also get FIFO errors on the DMA channel?
You should probably say which processor, development kit and what kind of card you are using, but it might not make much difference as they are very similar across the range. In general though, you need to give the peripheral and DMA very high priority, and make the wiring to the card very short. There is a lot of debate on here and elsewhere about the state of the ST drivers, as there just seems to be tumbleweed.
2017-02-10 4:32 AM
Sorry forgot to add HW setup details.
I am using STM32F407 discovery board.
I am using SD IO card with this board.
Yes, I do get FIFO error during reception.
2018-05-09 2:21 AM
I have the same problem, did you solve it?
2018-05-09 6:49 AM
I didn't get any further info.
On Wed, 9 May 2018 at 2:52 PM, Julian Hindelang <