2015-12-21 6:50 AM
I'm a software dveloper working in Germany. Our company is planning to develop a data logger product with temp,humidity,3-axis and light sensors also with a serial flash memory.I'm working on nucleo-L053R8 board. Initially i try to develop firmware in keil later on i switched to ARM-MBED. Now i finished programming the coding and I'm concentraing on custom board design. Here power consumption is a main issue. We want to have a low power consumption for our product. That is the reason i choose STM32L053R8. I do not want to have ST-link to my custom board. I cut the ST link part and i soldered FTDI USB to serial converter. I plug jumper to booto and VDD to flash the code to µcontroller through demonstartor GUI. Everything is fine till here. Now my doubt is after cutting of ST link, in the remaining board which components should i use to my custom design. Offcourse i avoid morpho pins and srduino pins.Can i use only the µcontroller and avoid all capacitors,crystals and resistors?. should i use any oscillators?I'm newbee for hardware design. Thank you.2015-12-21 7:15 AM
> Can i use only the µcontroller and avoid all capacitors,crystals and resistors?. should i use any oscillators?
What do you exactly mean with ''all capacitors, crystals and resistors''?For every STM32 series, ST provides a complete application note named ''Getting started with STM32xxx hardware design''. This is the one related to STM32L0 family.
Read it carefully and follow it literally. If this is your first hardware design, consider that it's almost impossible to avoid mistakes. Probably an hardware designer could help you with a more pleasant start.