2016-04-04 12:06 AM
Hello. I use STM32F407VET6 device.
I try to use USB Host (Mass Storege Host Class). Project (for IAR) generate correctly. I try to compile for C++ and have ( Error[Pe067]: expected a ''}'') multiple errors. I use frimeware package for family STM32F4 v 1.9.0 / v 1.11.0So i noticed. In file usbh_conf.h mising closing braket for extern ''C'' There is #ifdef __cplusplus extern ''C'' {#endifBut no #ifdef __cplusplus }#endifFix it please :)P.S. I'm sorry if this issue already known :)2016-04-04 12:45 AM
I suggest you to use the last library version: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.11.0May be this error is fixed.-ForumSTM32-2016-04-04 02:07 AM
Hi, i check v 1.11.0 problem still exists
2016-04-04 03:12 AM
Yes, I confirm this bug related to STM32CubeMx when we use USB Host.- ForumSTM32-2016-04-12 02:54 AM