CubeMX, IAR code regeneration ''project generation have a problem'' it says
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‎2015-04-22 2:27 PM
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‎2015-12-07 1:55 PM
I see the ''have a problem'' problem frequently. Today, I was working on a CubeMX .ioc file that generated code for OpenStm rather than IWARM. I tried simplifying the path name (by copying the project to the equivalent of D:\, removing spaces or other 'odd' characters), deleting the .mxproject file and deleting the directories created by CubeMX (Drivers and, in my case, SW4STM32) and re-generating code. That didn't work - there was no change in behavior.
This worked: I renamed the .ioc file and edited the .ioc file with a text editor to replace all instances of the old name with the new name (3 instances inside the file) and then code generation worked.A note to ST: Could you point us to an error log or some means of getting more specific error information? I tried using Process Monitor from Windows Sysinternals but didn't see any obvious errors. The Event Viewer didn't reveal obvious errors either.Edit: I saw the ''have a problem'' problem again using CubeMX to generate an OpenStm32 project. Adding a file to the OpenStm32 project (a very common scenario, right?) causes the ''have a problem'' problem to appear. Maybe the problem that CubeMX is having is editing/modifying the .project file used by Eclipse in an OpenStm32 project. It's almost as if the vague fractured-English error message really does mean that the .project file could not be regenerated and it's not clear what other files could not be regenerated.The only work-around I've found so far is to let CubeMX generate and regenerate files in one directory and then merge changes (using something like Meld) over to a 'real' directory used for compiling. I tend to do something like this meld/merge anyway for main.cpp because I use a main.cpp but CubeMX generates a main.c file. I tend to regenerate projects with CubeMX frequently during development when tweaking parameters such as clock frequencies, timer clocks, GPIO configuration etc.Note to ST: consider indicating what files could or could not be generated. If there's a conflict, consider modeling behavior the way source-control packages handle merge conflicts. One example: go ahead and generate a new clean file but keep the old one with a modified name and alert the user about the conflict.- Mark as New
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‎2016-02-23 12:34 PM
I too had this problem. The operating system I ran STM32CubeMX under was Windows 7. The ''project generation have a problem'' message went away for me after I ran STM32CubeMX as an administrator.
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‎2016-03-01 3:32 AM
Dear user,
Next time you encounter the issue, please share the .ioc file as well the log files that can be found in your user directory under the .stm32cubemx folder. Thank you- Mark as New
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‎2016-07-21 10:35 PM
I can't attach file because of the constant error:
''The file or folder name contains characters that are not permitted. Please use a different name.
'' File name is '''', and I have tried other names too.- Mark as New
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‎2016-07-21 10:37 PM
test2.ioc file:
#MicroXplorer Configuration settings - do not modify File.Version=6 KeepUserPlacement=false Mcu.Family=STM32F3 Mcu.IP0=NVIC Mcu.IP1=RCC Mcu.IP2=SYS Mcu.IPNb=3 Mcu.Name=STM32F373C(8-B-C)Tx Mcu.Package=LQFP48 Mcu.Pin0=PB4 Mcu.Pin1=PB5 Mcu.Pin2=PB6 Mcu.Pin3=VP_SYS_VS_Systick Mcu.PinsNb=4 Mcu.UserConstants= Mcu.UserName=STM32F373C8Tx MxCube.Version=4.16.0 MxDb.Version=DB.4.0.160 NVIC.BusFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.DebugMonitor_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.HardFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.MemoryManagement_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.NonMaskableInt_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.PendSV_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.PriorityGroup=NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4 NVIC.SVCall_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.SysTick_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true NVIC.UsageFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true PB4.GPIOParameters=GPIO_Label PB4.GPIO_Label=LED_G PB4.Locked=true PB4.Signal=GPIO_Output PB5.GPIOParameters=GPIO_Label PB5.GPIO_Label=LED_R PB5.Locked=true PB5.Signal=GPIO_Output PB6.GPIOParameters=GPIO_Label PB6.GPIO_Label=LED_Y PB6.Locked=true PB6.Signal=GPIO_Output PCC.Checker=false PCC.Line=STM32F373 PCC.MCU=STM32F373C(8-B-C)Tx PCC.MXVersion=4.16.0 PCC.PartNumber=STM32F373C8Tx PCC.Seq0=0 PCC.Series=STM32F3 PCC.Temperature=25 PCC.Vdd=3.6 ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=true ProjectManager.BackupPrevious=false ProjectManager.CompilerOptimize=2 ProjectManager.ComputerToolchain=false ProjectManager.CoupleFile=false ProjectManager.DeletePrevious=true ProjectManager.DeviceId=STM32F373C8Tx ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_F3 V1.6.0 ProjectManager.FreePins=false ProjectManager.HalAssertFull=false ProjectManager.HeapSize=0x200 ProjectManager.KeepUserCode=false ProjectManager.LastFirmware=true ProjectManager.LibraryCopy=1 ProjectManager.PreviousToolchain=TrueSTUDIO ProjectManager.ProjectBuild=false ProjectManager.ProjectFileName=test2.ioc ProjectManager.ProjectName=test2 ProjectManager.StackSize=0x400 ProjectManager.TargetToolchain=TrueSTUDIO ProjectManager.ToolChainLocation=C\:\\test2\\test2 ProjectManager.UnderRoot=true ProjectManager.functionlistsort=1-MX_GPIO_Init-GPIO-false RCC.ADCoutputFreq_Value=4000000 RCC.AHBFreq_Value=8000000 RCC.APB2Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.CECFreq_Value=32786.88524590164 RCC.FamilyName=M RCC.HSEPLLFreq_Value=8000000 RCC.HSE_VALUE=8000000 RCC.HSICECFreq_Value=32786.88524590164 RCC.HSIPLLFreq_Value=4000000 RCC.HSI_VALUE=8000000 RCC.I2C1Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.I2CFreq_Value=8000000 RCC.IPParameters=ADCoutputFreq_Value,AHBFreq_Value,APB2Freq_Value,CECFreq_Value,FamilyName,HSEPLLFreq_Value,HSE_VALUE,HSICECFreq_Value,HSIPLLFreq_Value,HSI_VALUE,I2C1Freq_Value,I2CFreq_Value,LSE_VALUE,LSI_VALUE,PLLCLKFreq_Value,PLLMCOFreq_Value,RTCFreq_Value,RTCHSEDivFreq_Value,SYSCLKFreq_VALUE,TIM2Freq_Value,TimSysFreq_Value,USART1Freq_Value,USART2Freq_Value,USART3Freq_Value,VCOOutput2Freq_Value RCC.LSE_VALUE=32768 RCC.LSI_VALUE=40000 RCC.PLLCLKFreq_Value=8000000 RCC.PLLMCOFreq_Value=4000000 RCC.RTCFreq_Value=40000 RCC.RTCHSEDivFreq_Value=250000 RCC.SYSCLKFreq_VALUE=8000000 RCC.TIM2Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.TimSysFreq_Value=8000000 RCC.USART1Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.USART2Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.USART3Freq_Value=8000000 RCC.VCOOutput2Freq_Value=4000000 VP_SYS_VS_Systick.Mode=SysTick VP_SYS_VS_Systick.Signal=SYS_VS_Systick board=test2- Mark as New
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‎2016-07-21 10:38 PM
OS is WinXP 32-bit, project directory is C:/test2/
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‎2016-07-21 10:40 PM
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‎2016-07-26 6:19 AM
Hi asv,
I suggest you create a new discussion in which you describe the problem you are facing.You should be able to attach a .ioc file to your discussion.The current thread was started on April 2015. I don't think you are facing the same issue as various versions of CubeMX were published since this time.-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

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