2018-08-21 2:15 AM
I'm using CubeMX to generate code to test my stm32f103c8 platform, but I've encountered a problem that when I put HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT in the interrupt callback function of TIM3, it then goes into Hardfault_Handler.
If I put HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT in the main loop, then everything goes well and I can successfully read the transmitted CAN data on my PC.
By debugging I can locate the crash happened at line 744 and 745 in HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT:
hcan->Instance->sTxMailBox[transmitmailbox].TDTR &= 0xFFFFFFF0U;
hcan->Instance->sTxMailBox[transmitmailbox].TDTR |= hcan->pTxMsg->DLC;
Could anyone help me to tackle this problem? Thanks.