2016-04-11 1:31 PM
CubeMX thinks there is a ''FW.L1.'' update for the STM32L1 parts.
However, it cannot download the update (''Not yet available'').When I download manually from the website, it seems like the cube software is only v1.4 (despite the download link claiming to be v1.5).I can't get CubeMX to generate code with this issue (even with v1.4 installed).2016-04-11 3:04 PM
I have successfully downloaded the STM32CubeL1 v 1.5.0 from this and the last version of STM32CubeMx is available Maybe try to do clean cache.Regards2016-04-12 1:10 PM
Thanks. The manual update using your link worked!
I was already using the latest version of CubeMX, so there's still a problem with the automatic update for that L1 library.Previously, when I tried the manual update, but I was using a different link (http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF260821). Even though that website says v1.5, when you download it, it is actually v1.4.2016-04-13 2:22 AM
Hi ryan,
I have downloaded v1.5 though the same website http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF260821 and I have the package installed STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.5.0Regards