2017-01-19 5:26 AM
It seems that CubeMX is getting better about retaining some of the Keil project settings upon regeneration of the code. There is an issue that I just came across. We sometimes use multiple named Project Targets in Keil. Would anybody have experience keeping the names intact when CubeMX regenerates code? All but the first have their name removed. With one extra target, the name just goes away. With multiple extra targets, all names go away, but the project won't open due to conflicting duplicate target names (which of course are all named nothing).
2017-01-20 9:13 AM
,please refer to this thread:
STM32CubeMX supports project generation for only onetarget at a time.
2017-01-20 9:48 AM
Thanks for the link. Same issue. Maybe this is a feature request then.
I use CubeMX to generate a Keil Project for a particular microcontroller. Once in the Keil project I can alter settings such as memory areas. These are set in the 'Options for Target' dialog (also listed by name as a Project Target in the Manage Project Items dialog). When CubeMX is used to regenerate the project, those modified settings are retained. We can set multiple Project Targets to accommodate a variety memory areas. When CubeMX regenerates one of these projects, all the settings are still valid, just the Project Target name is wiped out. This can be brought back to life by a quick edit to the uvision project xml just as the other link stated. Perhaps CubeMX could accommodate this in a future revision?
2017-01-23 2:43 AM
,Thanks for the suggestion! I will forward this to our MX team.
2017-03-30 2:34 AM
Thanks for your post.
This issue will be corrected in CubeMX 4.21 that will be delivered soon.
BR. Eric