2018-06-11 3:56 PM
If we create a graphics window for GRAPHICS configuration with GUIBuilder for file GUI_App.c
The CubeMX is creates function in file STemwin_wrapper.c
void GRAPHICS_Init(void)
{/* Initialize the GUI */GUI_Init();//WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(1);
/* Enable the multi-buffering functionality *//* Activate the use of memory device feature */
/* USER CODE BEGIN WM_SetCreateFlags *///WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV);/* USER CODE END WM_SetCreateFlags */}If you delete comments
/* Enable the multi-buffering functionality *//* Activate the use of memory device feature */
/* USER CODE BEGIN WM_SetCreateFlags */WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV);after this, the graphical interface stops running !!!
(Attention! After deleting comments and compiling, turn off and turn on the power)
The problem is solved by adding a line
/* Enable the multi-buffering functionality *//* Activate the use of memory device feature */
/* USER CODE BEGIN WM_SetCreateFlags */HAL_LTDC_ProgramLineEvent(&hltdc, 0); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV);/* USER CODE END WM_SetCreateFlags */And everything works fine!
If FREERTOS is used, it is necessary to eliminate one more bug
that I described before
in file ..........STemWin\Target\STemwin_wrapper.c comment
line (85):
//extern volatile GUI_TIMER_TIME OS_TimeMS;
line (876) :
// OS_TimeMS++;
#stme32-cube #multibuf2018-07-04 2:55 AM
Hi Vitaliy,
Thanks for the report, it will be fixed ASAP (4.26.1 or 4.27.0)