2016-10-24 04:03 AM
I'm having some problems using the STemWin library and the STM32 L4 HAL library. I would like to calculate a CRC16-CCITT using the HAL library. Unfortunately, the STemWin library isn't working anymore when I use the HAL functions to initialize the CRC.
What is the correct approach to using both the HAL CRC and the STemWin library?
2016-10-24 05:17 AM
As mentioned in the page 6 of to call GUI_Init function prior to use any STemWin function or GUI routines, if not STemWin will be not function: ''The CRC module (in RCC peripheral clock enable register) should be enabled before using the library.'' In the AN4323, review “Hello world�? program which illustrates this initialization. You can refer to the related for StemWin issue. Regards2016-10-24 08:47 AM
The software is testing the 32-bit CRC polynomial used by all STM32 parts, not the alternate ones supported by a subset of the parts.
I'd remove the test, but that's me..