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Converting date on GPS ?


Dear Members,

How can I convert date on GPS ?

UTC date 60819


6-August-2019 ?



 char *month_name[]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};

printf("Month Name: %c",month_name[month]);

Am I right ?

Don't use hexadecimal, the math works on decimal numbers.

>>Am I right ?

You know it doesn't work.

Strings would be %s

C arrays index from zero.

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How can I get the day name ? (Monday,Tuesday, etc ), still using divider ?


It gets significantly more complicated,​ you'd need to convert into a Julian date number or Unix time, and extract the day from that.

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I got this formula but if it's outside if, it's changing the date, I try inside if

 if (year < 80) year += 2000; else year += 1900;
  printf("Day %2d Month %2d Year %4d\n",day, month, year);
	printf("Month Name: ");printf(month_name[month-1]);printf("\r\n");
	printf("Date : %2d-",day);printf(month_name[month-1]);printf("-%2d",year);printf("\r\n");
	//weekday name
	int weekday  = (day += month < 3 ? year-- : year - 2, 23*month/9 + day + 4 + year/4- year/100 + year/400)%7;
		printf("Weekday : %d \r\n",weekday);
	  printf("Weekday name : %s \r\n",weekday_name[weekday-1]);

what do you reckon ?

>>what do you reckon ?

Reckon you could test it quite easily.

The modulo 7 gives you a zero based index, don't subtract one from it.

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