2021-04-03 7:18 PM
Hi I am using the tfmini lidar sensor with my nucleo-64 board.but the incoming data is so much fast that i can't control it and is going to error handler.It is a over run.Do anyone has any idea how could i control the burst of data.The link for the lidar sensor is right here https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/benewake-tfmini-s-micro-lidar-module-uart-12m.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwpKCDBhBPEiwAFgBzj5-y0J80-Uf6w7ffpByIlS7BfydJki6lB6L2HUCM731YIbTIKIZ5kxoCiJEQAvD_BwE
if you want to go through datasheet.
thanks and looking for answer soon.
2021-04-04 8:47 AM
Groups of 9 bytes at 115200 baud should be manageable by an STM32 micro-controller.
Use interrupts rather than polling, buffer/queue complete packets.
Look at your architecture, determine how many measurements you need, and perhaps shed stale reports where you'd otherwise get overwhelmed with data.
You should also be able to configure the frame-rate for data reports.
2021-04-05 2:58 PM
I am only interested in 2nd and 3rd byte so my question is am i able to program microcontroller to get only these two bytes?.
2021-04-06 12:07 AM
There's no hardware enabling to pick individual bytes. As Clive said above, receive complete frames and then use only those bytes you are interested in.