2012-10-12 4:59 PM
I am new to all this so please bear with me.I have just received a STM32 Discovery board (ARMz32F100) and I setup the u4vision from Keil and the DISCOVER example code form STM. But I get failures when I try to download to Flash. It seems the u4vision is not seeing the board.I can see a red light on the board but that is just about it. No other actions. The windows does not complain when I connect the board via USB so I assume the drivers are OK. How can I figure out what is wrong ??Is there a step to step guide on the setup procedures ?I think it maybe a driver issue but who knows.Ramin #flash-download2012-10-13 2:32 AM
In the project properties, select ''ST-Link (deprecated version)'' - you might have done this.
Then click on the debugger options, and select SWD instead of JTAG. Keil preselects JTAG, which is not supported by the Discovery board STLink part.