2016-07-01 5:30 AM
Clearly I'm not the only one who has this need, but the tutorials I followed didn't work for me .I want to use printf() in Keil, in order to check if my ''DAC to ADC'' code works. I tried with Debug (printf) Viewer in Keil, but I guess it could work with any terminal, I'm not picky.Apparently it has something to do with rewriting fputc() or putchar().http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/ulink2/ulink2_trace_itm_viewer.htm
says to implement the code in the source code, so naively I put it in the main.c, but I guess it's wrong.If this can help, the goal here is to output a sinewave from the DAC and put it into the ADC. I want to verify the ADC reads it correctly, maybe by printing out values and compare them with the values in the sintable read by the DAC.2016-07-01 6:04 AM
Hi Antoine.PM,
I recommend you to have a look to the UART example under STM32F4 cube firmware package it may be helpful.STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.12.0\Projects\STM32446E-Nucleo\Examples\UART\UART_PrintfThis example shows how to reroute the C library printf function to the UART. It outputs a message sent by the UART on the HyperTerminal.-Syrine-2016-07-01 6:17 AM
Edit: Fixed DEAD-LINKs, original post from 1-Jul-2016
2016-07-04 3:09 AM
Thanks for the links. It seems to work now. I'll try this in context of my real code :)2017-06-26 7:22 PM
This is an old posting but it seems many people are having problems getting the keil printf using ITM working.
This is important method as it does not use a UART or other user hardware in the processor.
I suspect the usual problem is failing to properly configure Serial Wire Viewer (SWV)
To configure SWV: See this document page 11:
The Core Clock: setting is important. Enter the CMSIS global variable SystemCoreClock in a Watch window to get this value.
You can confirm a CPU clock frequency with this appnote:
To configure printf the new and easier way: See page 14 of appnote 286.
printf on Coretx-M0/M0+: SWV is only available on Cortex-M3, M4 and M7 and the upcoming M23 and M33.
There is a way the implement this printf with a Cortex-M0, M0+: in the appnote above, instead of selecting STDOUT ITM, select EVR.
Add these lines to your file containing your main() function:
#include 'EventRecorder.h' // Keil::ARM_Compiler EventRecorderInitialize (EventRecordAll, 1); // initialize and start Event Recorder
These are described here:
I will work these directions out later in more/less detail and update appnote 286.
Bob Boys
2017-06-30 9:21 PM
It is possible to use the new Keil uVision Event Recorder to implement a printf that does not require a UART or Serial Wire Viewer.
You can use Event Recorder to annotate your own source code.
This will also work with other Cortex-M processors.
Attached is an updated version of the Keil ST-Link appnote. I will put this on Keil.com early next week:
________________ Attachments : StLink_3.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyZu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b9j%2FbNp7qF3HyUYzmYHbjv.lYv9yER5rzUPgZamVtZ6vxf0&asPdf=false