HiIt isn't the only method - all the necessary documents are on the Arm website.ETM can be challenging - if a way can be found to not have to reinvent the wheel it should save you time.Bob
HelloIf you have a ULINKpro (or Segger J-Trace or IAR iJetTrace) you can observe a working ETM system to save time. You can examine various registers to see what works.ULINKpro can also access ETB - although I have not tried it on your processor.Bob...
Here is some additional information regarding interrupts and Event Recorder on Cortex-M0/M0+/M23:From Keil engineers:Yes it affect interrupts. We need some of the accesses to be atomic to avoid that different tasks/interrupt handlers writing events d...
HelloMost of our customers do not want the debugger interfering with interrupts.Are you trying to measure how long your interrupt routine is one and how many times executed ?If so, EVR has a Start and Stop feature that you insert into your code and s...
Cortex-M0 and M0+ do not have Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) that comes out the SWO pin. Neither does Cortex-M1 AFAIK.Cortex-M0 and M0+ can have either SWD or JTAG - but not both. A chip designer decision) Note SWO pin is multiplexed with JTAG TDO - so J...