2017-11-21 11:10 AM
I am trying out ethernet with UDP. However, when I generate the files through cube mx, I am unable to get it working like they do in UM1713.
I tried to compile a project, but it does not like 'ethernetif_input(&gnetif)'. It seems that gnetif is not used anywhere.
Also, there is no Netif_Config called, so I tried calling it as it is in the manual, but it did not like that either.
So, I looked for a demo, and I found one with the STM324XG_EVAL. The first thing I noticed was that it did not even include these files in the code generation:
#include 'lwip/opt.h'
#include 'lwip/init.h'#include 'lwip/netif.h'#include 'lwip/timeouts.h'#include 'netif/etharp.h'#include 'ethernetif.h'#include 'app_ethernet.h'#include 'udp_echoserver.h'Is there something I was supposed to do in CubeMX to include all the needed files?
2017-11-21 11:18 AM
Also, LWIP middle ware and the Ethernet driver are enabled.