2008-10-13 7:55 PM
Com Port Driver for Windows Mobile - WinCe
2011-05-17 3:47 AM
is there a Com Port driver for WinCe (Windows Mobile 6 exactly)? The virtual com driver (file: VCPDriver_V1.1_Setup.exe) purposed by ST is only for PC. Thanks. [ This message was edited by: j.vaquie on 13-10-2008 17:24 ] [ This message was edited by: j.vaquie on 13-10-2008 17:29 ]2011-05-17 3:47 AM
So - uh do we dare ask how you really feel about Redmond?
2011-05-17 3:47 AM
there's no ST driver. USB CDC is a standard and windows (32-bit) supports it. the ''driver'' you mention is only a text file (.inf) saying that for a specific VID/PID device, windows should load the standard driver. if your particular OS supports CDC then you should be able to configure it so that the CDC driver loads.
(the .inf file shouldn't be necessary, the device describes enough of itself so that any OS should be able to load the driver -automatically or at least with manual configuration-, just like windows loads the mouse driver no matter what the make/model of the mouse. this is all part of a repulsive plan by the Microsoft mafia to charge hardware developers for the privilege of allowing windows users to use their hardware. as you may know, in 64-bit versions of windows the .inf file *MUST* be electronically signed by the Redmond mobsters or otherwise the device will be rejected. the user isn't allowed the option of bypassing the signature checking; only the mobsters decide what drivers run on the machines of the unfortunate windows users -if indeed the machines can be considered theirs once they are owned by the windows virus. the hardware manufacturers must pay the mobsters and pass the cost down to their users, while the users don't realize how deep Microsoft is reaching into their pockets because they are busy marveling at the cute translucent little window title bars. I can't understand how the DOJ allows this. plus I guess any 3rd party solution (hack) to this anticompetitive and freedom destroying practice would be swiftly sued out of existence using the obnoxious DMCA, so I don't even expect one to ever appear. let ignorant windows users be scammed.) (as a hack, of course you can use someone else's VID/PID to bypass signatures, provided that the device you're ''cloning'' has the same CDC interface. btw, you can be sure that the successor of USB will use ID signatures to plug this hole.)2011-05-17 3:48 AM
> file: VCPDriver_V1.1_Setup.exe
oh you're right, I forgot. at some point ST did post that file in tandem with a VCOM update. since it's an .exe and not a standard file container, I don't have the slightest idea of what it might contain. but the previous version of the lib did contain an .inf file like I mention above.