2022-09-01 03:09 AM
My code runs without issue when the STM Nucleo is connected to the laptop, but if I try to run it without connection to PC, I have to press the reset button before the code will run.
I am using STM32CubeIDE and cannot find a solution relevant to that environment.
I can of course create a hardware solution to this but I would rather achieve a solution programmatically if possible.
2022-09-12 02:02 AM
> Adding a short delay at the start of main() has fixed the startup issue
2022-11-22 05:19 PM
Please, explain your solution, did you use HAL_Delay(), a for() ?, where exactly did you put it?, at the very beginning of main()? After HAL_Init()? At the startup file? . Please I'm having the same issue with 3 Nucleo 144 STM32F446ZE. Thank you for your time.
2022-11-22 05:32 PM
Suggest at the VERY BEGINNING, with simple delay
volatile int i = 100000000;
Not clear what or how this worked, the OP lacked specifics. So perhaps TRY some things, and see if you have the same problem or a different one.
2022-11-22 06:01 PM