2015-01-22 6:27 AM
Does anyone have a code example for the setup of the STM32F3 Discovery board USART using CTS/RTS handshaking please?
#stm32 #discovery #usart2015-01-22 9:39 AM
Setting the pins up is relatively trivial, but you don't mention specific pins or a USART.
CTS/RTS is more about a buffering strategy.2015-01-23 2:59 AM
Thanks. The way I am doing things at present is to do most of my program under a timer interrupt and the rest, which is mainly RS232 processing, in a loop in main.c
I was assuming that cts/rts/ would be sufficient to stop the Rx buffer overflowing when connected to the other end (a PC). Is this not the case?2015-01-23 10:30 AM
If the USART is not interrupting, then things are less complicated. If you leave data in the USART->DR (RX) it will signal the transmitter not to send any more. Similarly the TX side can be held off by the receiver. You can check the TXE flags and the CTS pin.