2015-02-17 8:36 AM
I want to have a fast interrupt with the STM32F429 at 168MHz. I use EXTI interrupt who toggle an gpio for test. I measure the time with a scope between the exti pin front and the gpio output front. I made 3 test: 1- vector and IRQHandler in flash -> 184ns 2- vector in flash and IRQ handler in sram -> 204ns 3- vector and IRQHandler in sram -> 212nsI
thought that
would be
. Is it correct? Here my code: //&sharpdefine RAMFUNC __attribute__ ((section (''.ramfunctions''))) RAMFUNC void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) { GPIOH->BSRRL = GPIO_PIN_5; //set led V __HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_IT(GPIO_PIN_8); // pin DE GPIOH->BSRRH = GPIO_PIN_5; //reset led V }I tried to
vectors in
but I have a
.Is it possible
to put the
? Thanks #stm32f4-vectors-in-sram2015-02-17 9:13 AM
The ART ''cache'' can deliver cache-line hits to the prefetch port more quickly than SRAM can. SRAM will be more predictable.
The F4 doesn't support execution from CCM, it's on the data port not the instruction port.2015-02-17 9:17 AM
You can put your stack in CCM, there it won't be contended for access via DMA, etc.
In most cases I doubt the speed difference would be measurable.2015-02-17 9:38 AM
So, I'll leave all in flash.
Thanks for your fast reply.